Film Journal 7/13 Lingering Doubts & Change

Late last night I had the realization that I could make my life infinitely easier by switching a scene that occurs on a train to a scene in a car.
It actually give the protagonist a far more active role in the film instead of stumbling across the monster. It saves me a scene of explaining why he had a car later and not that night.
But I doubt.
That's not the way it occurred in my head.
Maybe that will ruin things (even though I can always reshoot the scene if it doesn't work)
I find myself plagued by doubts.
Today's filming went easily. Does that mean it isn't any good?
I don't know how to stop the doubts.
The voices are insistent in my ear.
But I have decided to ignore them for now and do my best to do my work.
I'll write again tomorrow.
Edward Janis Gusts