I just finished the revised version of The Mercenary Artist's Manifesto. I forced myself to celebrate. I'm polishing my marketing plan....

In 2022 Gatekeepers Are Obsolete
Hi Artist, Being an artist right now is difficult as fuck. Finding collaborators, funding, and an audience are all extremely difficult...

The Win -Win of Contests
Hello Artist, Today I would like you to enter your art in a contest. Don't freak out. The reason that I want you to enter a contest is not...
I Hate My Work, How Do I Fix That?
I saw a Facebook post recently about what artists do with their work. The answer below? "I stare at it until I hate it." It's important...
You Have To Love It
Hey Artists, Right now I am in the middle of co-editing a documentary. Because of my belief that documentaries should not lead the people...